Improved Air Circulation I’m standing at the east end of the home. One of the things that we did...
DIY Projects: Double Insulated Heavy Drapes & Pelmets
Double Insulated Heavy Drapes & Pelmets We're probably all aware that amongst the most...
DIY Projects: In the Study
DIY Projects in the Study Working in a study can be a reasonably uncomfortable experience. For a...
DIY Projects: Renshade Roller Blinds
Renshade Roller Blinds The blind that you see behind me is a Renshade chain pull blind. Renshade...
DIY Projects: ecoGlaze Retrofit Double Glazing
Installing ecoGlaze Retrofit Double Glazing One of the things that were paramount in improving the...
Insulating An Old House: Energy Efficiency Tips for Heritage Homes
Heritage homes may be stunning and highly valuable in the housing market, but they offer a different dilemma to their owners: Renovating them is hard work and they can be expensive to run and maintain. Here’s how to fix that
3 Home Retrofit Ideas That Will Save You Thousands
Are you looking for cost-effective retrofit solutions to help lower the cost of keeping your home...
Energy-Efficient Home Retrofit Ideas That Will Keep Your Tenants Longer
Having problems with tenant retention? You might need to carefully assess how your property is...
Lack of Air Conditioning? Stop Your Home Becoming a Deathtrap!
As temperatures begin to rise in Australia, we are being encouraged to retrofit our homes for...
How to Keep Cold Air From Coming Through Your Windows in Winter
Is your house excessively cold in winter? One of the possible reasons why your home has poor...