Julie and Alex have lived in their 1960s three bedroom, brick veneer home for 20 years. After...
How To Lower Electric Bills With A Thermally Efficient Home
Despite the recent confusion around solar panels, solar hot water, and insulation, many Victorians...
How We Improved Our Thermal Comfort In Summer, Winter
Margo and Robert knew that there were things that they could do to improve the thermal comfort of...
How We Tapped Into the Thermal Comfort Potential of Our Home
Elvira shares how you can improve the energy efficiency of your home. By taking the step-by-step...
Downlights: Why You Should Make The Switch
Downlights are not this man's friend, and after reading this interview, they won't be yours...
How Downlights Are Inefficient, Stealing Your Comfort
Hotter than an oven, draughty, and compromising your ceiling insulation, halogen downlights really...
How to Save Energy With Your Flick Mixer Taps
In this video ecoMaster‘s Chief Technical Officer, Maurice Beinat, shares his favourite secret to...
3 Simple Things to Save Energy Today
The key to reducing your annual energy cost is to learn about energy-saving methods that you can...
A Targeted Approach Towards An Energy Efficient Home
What can a draught proofing assessment tell you about your energy use? David Coote has done the...