Are you tired of seeing your utility bills skyrocket each month? If you're frustrated by the high...
Electricity Bills – 24 Simple Ways to Save on Yours
There are many ways you can save on your electricity bills, here are 24 simple ways. Some are...
Energy Prices a Hot Topic
Smart Solutions for Gas and Electricity Price Rises Like us, you have probably heard a lot in the...
What You Need To Know About Multi-storey Homes That Can Save You $$$
Insider secrets # 22Today we’re going to talk about multi-level homes and in particular, the kind...
Design For Energy Efficiency From The Get-go And Save $1000s
Insider secrets # 21Having retrofitted thousands of homes, I have come to the conclusion that most...
Colour Is Not Just A Pretty Thing, It Really Works
Insider secrets # 20Colour has a big impact on the internal comfort of your home and in...
Lighting Up Outside Responsibly
Insider secrets # 14Exterior floodlights, especially those with a movement sensor, can come with...
Sealing Pipe Penetrations – A Crucial Step Toward Improving Thermal Energy Efficiency in Your Home
When it comes to energy efficiency in our homes, we often focus on insulation, windows, and doors....
Who Knew That Your Dishwasher Soaks Your Dishes And Soaks Your Energy Costs
Insider secrets # 9It is common to detect draughts coming out from around dishwashers. This can be...
Save Money Or Save The Planet On Your Energy Consumption? You Can Do Both
Insider secrets # 8I recently took my own advice and went to to get a better...