Improved Air Circulation I’m standing at the east end of the home. One of the things that we did...
DIY Projects: Sealing Up Heating Outlets
Sealing Up Heating Outlets About a year after we stopped using the central heating system, we...
DIY Projects: In the Study
DIY Projects in the Study Working in a study can be a reasonably uncomfortable experience. For a...
DIY Projects: Lighting Upgrade in the Kitchen
Lighting Upgrade in the Kitchen One of the things that we did really early on was dealing with the...
DIY Projects: Replacement Cooktop
Replacement Cooktop When we came here, this was an electric cooktop. We did change it for a gas...
DIY Projects: Awning Window Treatments
Awning Window Treatments Well as you can see, these are the kitchen window. We have a few things...
DIY Projects: Big Ass Fan
Big Ass Fan What you see above me is the Haiku Big Ass Fan. Now, this is a pretty big room so we...
DIY Projects: Draught Proofing the Living Room
Draught Proofing the Living Room The journey really started with draught-proofing. In the living...
DIY Projects: Entrance Air Lock
Air Lock Draught-proofing a front door is one thing, but when people are coming and going, if this...
DIY Projects: Draught Proofing the Front Door
Draught Proofing the Front Door This is our front door. Because this is the ecoMaster test house,...