How Pre Cooling Your Home This Summer Makes Sense min EcoMaster

As the sun beats down this summer, and the wave of heatwaves approaches, keeping your home at a comfortable and healthy temperature shouldn’t cost you a fortune. If you’ve got solar panels and reverse cycle air conditioning, we’ve got a tip that’s a game-changer: pre-cooling. It’s all about using smart timing to beat the heat without breaking the bank.

What is Pre-Cooling? Think about pre-cooling like this: instead of blasting your air conditioning to combat the afternoon heat wave, you keep it running at a milder, steady rate when your home is already cool from the morning. It’s a bit like keeping a cold drink in the fridge rather than trying to cool it down fast in the freezer just when you need it. This method saves more energy and keeps your home consistently comfortable.

Why Should You Pre-Cool Your Home?

  • Saves Money: Keeping your home cool throughout the day uses less energy than trying to cool it down once it’s already hot. This means lower electricity bills, especially important now that the money you get back from solar feed-in tariffs (FITs) isn’t as high as it used to be.
  • Enhances Comfort: Avoid that sticky, uncomfortable heat as you step in from outside. Pre-cooling keeps every room in your house pleasantly cool all day long.
  • Protects from Power Problems: On super hot days, everyone cranks up the Reserve Cycle Air Conditioning (RCAC), and runs a myriad of appliances.  Combine that with heat wave conditions, or worse, bushfires, and you may experience brownouts or blackouts. Pre-cooling your home can help avoid this peak time energy crunch.  If you are in a brown out or blackout, your home will maintain its cool temperature for much longer. 

Optimal Use of Solar Power: Did you know that your solar panels are hard at work while the sun’s shining, even if nobody’s home? They generate the most power during the day, which often goes into the grid for a small credit. Instead, use that solar power directly to run your reverse cycle air conditioning during these peak sunlight hours. This way, you’re cooling your home when it’s most efficient and when you’ve got free energy on tap.

How to Get Started with Pre-Cooling:

  1. Check Your Settings: Set your air conditioning to maintain a cool but not cold temperature during the day.
  2. Adjust as Needed: On days you’re home, you might tweak the temperature just a bit for extra comfort.
  3. Monitor and Manage: Keep an eye on the weather and your electricity usage. On cooler days or less sunny, maybe dial back the RCAC a little.

Understanding Your “Thermal Envelope”: 

Think of your home’s thermal envelope as its protective shield against the elements. This envelope includes all the parts of your house that shield the interior from the outside—like walls, floors, windows, doors, and the roof. When this shield is tight and well-insulated, it works wonders! It keeps the cool air inside during hot summers and the warm air in during chilly winters. A well-sealed thermal envelope means your heating and cooling systems don’t have to work overtime to maintain a comfortable temperature. 

On the other hand, a leaky home lets air escape, making your RCAC system work harder, increasing your energy costs, and leading to uneven temperatures throughout your home. By ensuring your home’s thermal envelope is robust and intact, you’re setting the stage for better performance, enhanced comfort, and significant energy savings.

It goes without saying, but we will say it anyway, that pre-cooling is only an effective strategy is your thermal envelope is well sealed and well insulated.  If you aren’t sure about how to do that, perhaps have a look at our article “I don’t know where to start”

Pre-cooling with solar power and reverse cycle air conditioning isn’t just smart; it’s a sustainable step towards managing your energy use and keeping your home comfy. So this summer, take control of your climate and your costs. Your wallet—and your family—will thank you!

People Also Ask:

⇒ Where can I learn more about this from an industry expert?

ecoMaster has been working in the energy efficiency / retrofit arena for over 20 years.  During that time we learnt an enormous amount about diagnosing issues, distinctions on various products as well as developing the best installation practices.  We have done the research, so you don’t have to. All that information has now been condensed into a series of ecoMasterClasses.  Click here to gain access.


What’s the deal with pre-cooling and how does it save me money on energy?

Think of pre-cooling as giving your RCAC a head start in the cool of the morning. It’s like warming up your muscles before a workout—it uses less energy and keeps your home comfy all day. By keeping the chill vibe from morning to evening, your RCAC doesn’t have to work as hard during the hottest part of the day, which means less energy used and more money saved!  (caveat:  You need a good thermal envelope for this to be a successful strategy). 

Why should I care about having a well-insulated home if I’m pre-cooling anyway?

Great insulation is like the best-ever bouncer for your home’s cool club—it keeps the cool air in and the hot air out. A tight thermal envelope means you’re not just blasting cool air; you’re holding onto it, which reduces how often your RCAC needs to run. Less RCAC running time equals more money for summer fun, and who doesn’t want that?

Can my solar panels really handle powering my air conditioning for pre-cooling?

Absolutely, and they’re thrilled to do it! Your solar panels are sunbathing experts, soaking up rays when the sun is high and turning that solar power into cool comfort for your home. By running your AC with solar power during peak sun hours, you’re essentially cooling on nature’s dime. Now, that’s using sunlight wisely!

What’s Next?

We hope this article has helped you learn how to use simple ways to save on your utility bill.  This in turn will help you on your energy and thermal efficiency retrofit journey to make your home more comfortable all year round, and reduce your costs and carbon emissions.  

 Next, explore Managing Extreme Temperatures on a Budget – Cocooning

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Start pre-cooling today and make this summer the most comfortable, and cheapest, yet!