Pretty flower spring blossom that can although cause allergies. To avoid suffering from an allergy in our home, draught proofing can help.

Spring is in the air, and so is the pollen! If you’re among the millions of Australians waving a not-so-fond farewell to clear sinuses come springtime, fret not! Draught proofing your home could be the superhero solution you’ve been sneezing for. Let’s dive into how sealing up those sneaky gaps can be your secret weapon against hay fever.

Why Draught Proofing is a Breath of Fresh Air

Battle the Blooms: Up to 18% of Australians wrestle with hay fever, as flowers flourish and grasses grow. But why let the great outdoors dictate your indoor comfort? Draught proofing blocks those invisible pollen invaders from crashing your home sanctuary.

Seal for Serenity: Imagine your home as a fortress—only the good air is allowed in, and pesky pollen particles are left knocking at the door. Sealing doors, windows, and cracks means you get to enjoy the blooms (through your well sealed window) without the doom.

Filter Like a Pro: Got an HVAC with a fancy air filter? Draught proofing helps ensure that it catches more allergens, making it more effective and your home more sniffle-free.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy: Draught Proofing Tips for a Sneeze-proof Spring

Chimney Charm: Don’t let your chimney be a back door for breezes and blooms! Using a chimney draught stopper not only keeps out unwelcome drafts but also blocks pollen from swooping down your flue. It’s like putting a cap on sneezes!

Exhaust Vigilance: Your exhaust fans can be unwitting culprits in letting in pollen. These days there are DraftStoppas to pop over exhaust fans to keep the air flowing correctly without inviting the entire pollen parade into your home. It’s like setting a bouncer at the door, allowing only the good guys in!

Vexing Vents: Pay attention to vents. Sealing around these areas ensures that air flows where it should without bringing pollen along for the ride. Think of it as fine-tuning your home’s air traffic control system to keep allergens out.

Seal the Deal: Draught proofing your doors and windows isn’t just about keeping the cold out; it’s about keeping the sneezes out, too! It’s a quick fix that packs a big punch.

Crack Down on Cracks: Grab some gap fillers and show those wall and floor cracks who’s boss. If pollen can’t find a way in, it can’t ruin your day.

Call in the Cavalry: Sometimes, you need to bring in the big guns.  If you really want to ensure your home is sealed tight from allergens, why not bring in THE draught-proofing guru right into your living room? Enrol in our Find and Fix My Draughts online course!  It’s like having Maurice, the draught-proofing expert walk through your home with you, showing you every nook and cranny where drafts hide, then helping you fix them on the spot. It’s an upbeat, engaging way to make your home snug and pollen-free!

Next Steps

Spring doesn’t have to be synonymous with sneezes. With some clever draught proofing, your home can become a pollen-free paradise. Ready to reclaim your nose and enjoy the season? Then seal up and chill out, because this spring, we’re keeping it breezy, not sneezy! For more fun tips and thorough fixes, check out ecoMaster’s guide to a hay fever-free home. Here’s to a sniffle-free spring!

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Keep allergies out:

seal your draughts!